Dr. Van Pelt’s Publications
Lipira AB, Gordon S, Darvann TA, Hermann NV, Van Pelt AE, Naidoo SD, Govier D, Kane AA. Helmet versus active repositioning for plagiocephaly: a three-dimensional analysis. Pediatrics 2010 Oct; 126(4): 936-945.
Lee A, Van Pelt AE, Kane AA, Pilgram TK, Govier DP, Woo AS, Smyth MD. Comparison of perceptions and treatment practices between neurosurgeons and plastic surgeons for infants with deformational plagiocephaly. Journal of Neurosurgery, Pediatrics 2010 Apr; 5(4): 368-374.
Anderson RJ, Darvann TA, Olafsottir H, Hansen DW, Larsen R, Hermann NV, Larsen P, Van Pelt AE, Govier D, Tenenbam MJ, Naidoo S, Kreiborg S, Kane AA. Automated landmarking of 3D infant face surfaces using 2D active appearance models. In: K. Takada, S. Kreiborg (eds.) In Silico Dentistry – The Evolution of Computational Oral Health Science. Osaka: Medigit, 2008, 163-165.
Darvann TA, Olafsottir H, Hermann NV, Larsen P, Lanche S, Larsen R, Ersboll BK, Govier D, Van Pelt AE, Kane AA, Hansen IV, Kreiborg S. On the measurement of craniofacial asymmetry. In: K. Takada, S. Kreiborg (eds.) In Silico Dentistry – The Evolution of Computational Oral Health Science. Osaka: Medigit, 2008, 37-41.
Lanche A, Darvann TA, Olafsdottir H, Hermann NV, Van Pelt AE, Govier D, Tenenbaum MJ, Naidoo S, Larsen P, Kreiborg S, Larsen R, Kane AA. Validation of a statistical model of head asymmetry in infants wiht deformational plagiocephaly. In: K. Takada, S. Kreiborg (eds.) In Silico Dentistry – The Evolution of Computational Oral Health Science. Osaka: Medigit, 2008, 42-46.
Lanche S, Darvann TA, Olafsdottir H, Hermann NV, Van Pelt AE, Govier D, Tenenbaum MJ, Naidoo S, Larsen P, Kreiborg S, Larsen R, Kane AA. A Statistical Model of Head Asymmetry in Infants with Deformational Plagiocephaly. In: Ersboll BK, Pedersen KS (eds.) Image Analysis. Springer Verlag, Berlin. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2007; 4522:898-907.
Van Pelt AE, Mohsin S, Elledge RM, Hilsenbeck SG, Gutierrez MC, Lucci A, Kalidas M, Granchi T, Scott BG, Allred DC, Chang JC. Neoadjuvant trastuzumab and docetaxel in locally advanced breast cancer patients: preliminary results. Clinical Breast Cancer 2003 4(5): 348-353.
Manuscripts and Book Chapters Submitted or in Preparation
Van Pelt AE, Stevens WG. Mastopexy and Mastopexy- Augmentation. In: Grabb & Smith’s Plastic Surgery 7th Edition. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. Book chapter in preparation.
Van Pelt AE, Darvann T, Hermann N, Lanche S, Tenenbaum M, Olafsdottir H, Larsen P, Larsen R, Govier D, Naidoo S, Kreiborg S, Kane AA. Longitudinal evaluation of 3D asymmetry following orthotic treatment of deformational plagiocephaly. Manuscript in preparation.
Van Pelt AE, Govier DP, Darvann T, Hermann N, Becker D, Kane AA, Woo AS. Mandibular morphology in patients with unilateral coronal synostosis. Manuscript in preparation.