*This young mother wanted to discuss a “mommy makeover”. Pregnancy had resulted in loose, saggy skin in both her abdomen and her breasts. Her abdominal wall was not as firm as it used to be. She liked the volume of her breasts but did not like the appearance. She had a lengthy discussion with one of our talented surgeons and a surgical plan evolved. She needed a standard tummy tuck that would remove the skin and tighten up her abdominal wall. Treating her breasts was an easy decision, a SPAIR breast lift would do the trick. Fortunately both of the procedures could be done at the same time as an out-patient. She was excited. The procedures were discussed at length describing how they were done, what to expect in the recovery period, and the inherent risks of each procedure. Before and after photos were shown to her. She made her decision to proceed and was very happy that she did. She is now seven months out from her surgery and has a stunning result. Her incisions have lightened and her result has gotten better with time.