* This 50 year old woman presented to our office after having had a breast augmentation in the past. Her concerns were that she felt her breasts were a little too small and saggy. Her surgical plan was fairly straight forward. The capsules around her breasts would need to be opened up a bit, new implants of a larger size chosen and a breast lift would be added. Her surgeon used the same sizing system that is used for someone who presents for an initial breast augmentation. Sizers were added to her bra to see how much larger she wanted to be. The only difference being that small sizers were used, then the volume of the sizer was simply added to that of her current implant to chose the sizes to bring to the operating room. The final implants chosen were moderate plus profile, 450cc for her right breast and 425cc for her left. She is shown here at 6 months out from her procedure with a very pretty result.