*This 38 year old woman had wanted to have a breast augmentation after the birth of her third child. She felt that her breasts were not in proportion with her body frame. After a thorough discussion with her surgeon regarding her options a surgical plan was designed. Through an inframmary fold incision, anatomically shaped gel implants with a medium height and moderate plus projection were chosen. In surgery after putting sizers in each breast and sitting her up to see how she looked it, became apparent that she needed a different size implant in each breast. With that finding, a 375 cc implant was used in her right breast and a 330cc in her left. They were placed in the sub-pectoral position. These post op photos show her at 6 weeks out from her surgery and she has a beautiful result!

UPDATED PHOTOS: Second set of photos how her at three years out from her breast augmentation with a consistent result.